Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My First Blog Post

Today - January 30/07 at approximately 8:55, while in finance, I created this blog.

What for?

I'm not sure, maybe to record my thoughts and general things about my life.
Maybe to amuse myself in finance. Which, I'll have you know is not the most interesting class ever. And the prof. (I will also have you know) is not the most interesting guy either.
Mind you... if I was absolutely enthralled with present value and discounting I would be on the edge of my chair. ...or maybe not. Because anyone that is enthralled with present value and discounting would never 'be on the edge of their chair'. No... they are far more likely to be firmly planted in their chair with a studious look about them, maybe a pair of small reading glasses perched on their nose and a pair of pants hitched up to their neck. Or possibly for the modern student; the geek would probably have a notebook computer (most likely apple) with an ipod and would be watching 'youtube'.

Mind you - This, I think, would better describe the common student. It seems, walking through the halls, that almost everyone has some little ear bud. *usually white. Funny how people tend to stick with the accredited inventory until much time has passed.... (like for instance, Ford, which is loosing market share rapidly, even though it was once most popular)

Funny....either it's a really great idea.... or everyone is simply conforming to the norm. I generally sway back and forth on my opinion on the matter. And I choose to believe whatever is most convenient for me, simply because on matters as trivial as these... why wouldn't I?

The man (name starting with F) sitting next to me.... who has small reading glasses perched on his nose.... looks over and sarcastically remarks that the casual observations just stated... are 'deep'. I have no idea what the means, nor do I know what point he is trying to make. Maybe he is annoyed with me for clacking away on my keyboard.... and not paying attention. Maybe he is annoyed with me because he cannot resist reading my blog. (which, secretly, I highly suspect)Maybe he will be the first person I know to tune in regularly???? From the look on his face.... I wouldn't bet on it.

Granted, I could understand his frustration as we have a quiz rapidly approaching.... for which I have shown nothing but blatant disregard.

Maybe, therefore, I should extend a greater effort on making my comments more informing, interesting and intelligent. I could remember it by the 3 I's.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist. I had to read your composition again.
To be honest, I am impressed on how fast you can whip something up like this. It would probably take me a couple hours to perform a similar task....you probably did very well in English 101.
From 'f'
PS,I really do like the term 'accredited inventory'.

Anonymous said...

like the blog, sounds smart, you should leave a comment on my blog sometime!!! ...your sister