Thursday, February 1, 2007

Parking at University of Regina

(For the night student at least) Is nothing short of utterly disappointing and absolutely frustrating. First, the university suggests that you should buy a 'parking pass'. For me (a night student) this costs you about 40 dollars. However, for the full time student it will cost you close to 400 dollars. These prices change if you choose to purchase a pass that is electrified. Once you have acquired the parking pass the next step is to find a parking spot. Unfortunately, buying the parking pass is much easier then finding a parking spot. I highly doubt that the university puts a cap on the number of passes they sell. As a result, there is a very high car to parking spot ratio. This in turn leads to very irate, obnoxious and rude drivers.

One of which is me....

I had been driving around the parking lot for approximately 20 minutes when I came across a vehicle that (by all appearances) was on the verge of backing out. Once I recognized this I promptly stomped on the brakes and put on my signal light. I had after all, been circling like a vulture awaiting a time just like this to swoop in. And so the vehicle (maybe a GMC half tonne, in a dark blue shade with fogged windows) did indeed back out.

During the time I gave the GMC truck to back out a white van drove up.

I suspect that the van carried (or was piloted by) one of those woman who feels that the world 'owes' her.

In fact by the look on that woman's face WHILE SHE STOLE MY PARKING SPOT I would say she is one of those people.

And so, with (lack of) time propelling me forward, I left that parking lot and went to pay parking. And because there is a night discount rate, I promptly forked over 2 dollars to park. Why, you might ask?

Have you been to Regina in the winter? The next closest parking lot is about 5 km from the University. While this little hike, over uneven and taunting ground, is wonderful in the summer; it is far from enjoyable in the winter. In fact, you may suffer hypothermia and frostbite as a result.

And so, I have a chip off my shoulder. Why?... because I regularly pay for parking, even though I have already purchased so called 'parking pass'.

The university of Regina should a least be required to print a disclaimer stating that they are not responsible for the frost bite acquired while students walk from their cars to the school. Or for the broken nose I was tempted to give the lady (or so called) that stole my parking spot.


Anonymous said...

People like that annoy me to no end. Here's hoping her car doesn't start when she returns to it after class :P

Anonymous said...

Been there! Done that! Feel your pain (and frost bites)I also have a parking pass which proved to be useless on several occasions. At the very least, these passes should be honoured in the paid lot.

Anonymous said...

The bad news is its going to get colder,, so dress warm for those long walks

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the cup is always half full for you!

Anonymous said...

you write very well...perhaps you should be an english teacher... is the "F" who is responding to your blog the same "F" that is in your first post? what do you call a cow with 2 legs? lean beef

Anonymous said...

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Anonymous said...

those parking nazis...